(End of) Summertime Workouts!

Summer is the perfect time to shake things up in your fitness life! It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and your body can tire of the predictable routines (which can cause diminishing returns).

That’s why, since there’s still sunshine left in August, you should mix things up! That’s right - replenish some vitamin D, get outside and give your body a jolt. Try walking or jogging and incorporate your daily travels and local areas! For example, I went for a walk the other day and spontaneously decided to do three rounds of jogging. After, I found a play area where I did push ups, inverted rows and step ups using picnic table and headed home (psst, contact me if you are interested in a workout session or lesson outdoors).

Also, sports! This is the primetime for it. I recommend doing one you’ve never tried, or haven’t done in a while (you’d be surprised how many dormant muscles will wake up when being used in new, different ways).

I joined a pick up softball group that meets on Sundays and am really enjoying it. It’s fun and gets the heart rate up! And if you have trouble finding people for group activities, try looking for open groups at Meet Up; where you can find folks playing tennis, hiking, working out in in the park. Best part - it’s free! Maybe you’ll meet a new friend or two.

So get out there before Portland’s eager clouds come back!


Daniel Perez-Crouse