Samantha Beatty

Samantha Beatty is a subcontractor with her own set of skills and services; she also happens to be my daughter.

Yoga and stretching were a natural extension of Samantha’s lifelong passion for dance and a healing outlet following her diagnosis of Chiri Malformation. During this period of her life, she learned how vital yoga is for emotional empowerment and injury prevention. This inspired her to become adept at teaching and performing yoga so others can know its benefits. 

Samantha danced professionally in Los Angeles (former ladybug amongst the A Bug’s Life team at Disney) and still fits a few moves in-between hanging out with friends, inventing healthy dessert alternatives, watching movies and occasionally grabbing a classic Portland brunch with yours truly. 

She specializes in the Fascial Flow Method of Yoga (energetic fascia release) and is a certified teacher through the Embodied Posture Program in Fort Worth, Texas. She is currently teaching yoga at two Portland studios and leading workplace injury prevention classes for Metro Hazardous Waste and Portland Water Bureau. While she has a charm and style all her own, she extends the same love and vibrancy I have for health and wellness.